If you are a plumber just getting your business off the ground, chances are your company can be labeled a small business. And in the U.S., 20% of small businesses fail in their first year of operation. One out of every five companies is an abysmally high failure rate. But there is hope. Many factors play into a plumbing company’s success or failure. Today, Plumber SEO Now talks about the most important ones so that you might avoid the common pitfalls that cause plumbing businesses to fail. Let’s take a look at why most plumbing businesses fail.
- They Price themselves out of the Market – A plumbing business can rarely pull off “being the best and being the most affordable.” It just doesn’t work in reality, and many plumbing businesses go under because they try to be both—plumbers either price their services too low or too high. Low pricing can’t sustain operations, and increased pricing fails to attract new customers.
- They Focus on one Type of Customer – A lot of plumbers shoot themselves in the foot by focusing solely on commercial or residential customers. The fact is that in the plumbing industry, you set yourself up for success better by catering to both markets. But you have to have the proficiency to back it up, which leads us to the following reasons why most plumbing businesses fail in the first five years.
- They Lack Technical Proficiency – A lot of plumbers get their journeyman’s license, their contractor’s license, and think they are ready to take over the world. When in reality, they lack the real-world technical proficiency needed to render the services they offer successfully. As a plumber, you need to be familiar with both commercial and residential systems of all kinds. And even if you are a master at your craft, when you start a plumbing business, your crew needs to be technically savvy as well. It is hard to maintain a high level of technical proficiency across the board, which is another reason why most plumbing businesses fail.
- They Manage Their Business Poorly – Business operations are a huge part of any small company. Customer service, in-team communication, procuring tools, managing overhead costs, making schedules, and managing payroll are all things that, as a plumber, are probably not your favorite things. When you try to do too much as the owner because you don’t want to hire more personnel, you can easily get overloaded. Staffing your company with reliable people to handle these operational tasks is a challenge, but it is often better than trying to do too much on your own. Don’t be afraid to seek and invest in quality help.
- They Start in a Saturated Market – Plumbing is very much a local business when you are first starting. Many plumbing companies fail in short order because they try to plant their flag in a territory whose plumbers are already fighting for scraps. That’s not to say that you can’t succeed in a crowded market but if at all possible, focus on an area that isn’t already brimming with plumbers.
- They Ignore Marketing – This is the most crucial reason why most plumbing businesses fail in their first five years. Plumbing is an ancient trade in itself, but marketing is an ever-changing beast that needs its due respect – otherwise, it will eat you alive. Just because you offer the best plumbing service in town doesn’t mean your business will survive. It would be best to implement an effective digital marketing strategy to generate leads and let people know where you are and what you do. The plumbing industry is mainly dependent on local SEO. Whether you are hiring a marketing team or plan to tackle the job yourself, your SEO efforts should have a strong local inclination.
What Plumbers Can Do To Prevent Failure
We have talked a lot about why most plumbing businesses fail, but what are the common attributes of successful, long-standing plumbing businesses? Every successful plumbing business will have one thing in common: a strong digital marketing strategy.
The most important step you can take toward ensuring your plumbing business’s success is to carefully cultivate a marketing strategy that is suited to your business. But doing this on your own can be challenging. Do you go with a PPC ad campaign, or do you focus on organic marketing? Do you emphasize content marketing or social media presence? How do you manage your online reputation, generate backlinks, and establish yourself as an authority?
If you don’t know how to answer those questions, it is best to hire professionals. Here at Plumber SEO Now, we offer complete marketing solutions specifically for plumbers. Contact us and give your plumbing business the best shot at success.